
有關英文的幾個片語,get onto、 look o高雄市空中大學n 急用


我想請問幾個英文片語,如下↓ 1.look on 的意思與用法例句? 2.look in的意思語用法例句? 3.look onto的意思與用法例句? 4.look into 的意思語用法例句? 5.get into 的意思語用法? 6.get onto的意思與用法? 就以上這六個片語,麻煩各位大大了,謝謝! 感激不進~


Look on - Watch something like a crime without helping 袖手旁觀 Example(例句): The crowd just LOOKED ON as the old lady was mugged. 當老婦人被搶的時候,群眾竟袖手旁觀. Look in on - Visit briefly to see if everything's all right 探望, 照看, 照顧 Example(例句): I'm going to LOOK IN ON grannie on the way home tonight as she's been a bit unwell recently. 我今晚回家會去探望奶奶因為她最近這陣子身體不太好. Look on as - Consider, regard 看待, 視為 Example(例句): I LOOK ON her AS a close friend. 她是我的親密友人. Look in - Make a quick visit 順道拜訪 Example(例句): I'll LOOK IN on my way home. 我回家時會順道去拜訪一下. Look into - Research, investigate 研究, 調查 Example(例句): We'll LOOK INTO the problem and come back to you when we have the information. 我們將對這個問題展開調查,一有消息會立刻通知你. Get into - Become involved or interested 產生(有)關連, 產生(有)興趣 Example(例句): She's been GETTING INTO dance music recently. 她最近對舞曲極有興趣. Get into - Become involved in something bad or criminal 涉入(壞事或犯罪) Example(例句): He GOT INTO drugs when he was at university. 他在大學時曾經吸毒. Get into - Be accepted or admitted 被接受或承認 Example(例句): She did well and GOT INTO Cambridge University. 她成功地進入劍橋大學就讀 Get into - Become or be accepted as a member 加入或成為會員 Example(例句): He GOT INTO the first team for football. 他加入了第一流的足球隊. Get into - Start a habit or way of acting or behaving 養成習慣, 慣於, 行為表現 Example(例句): It took me ages to GET INTO driving on the left. 我花了好長時間才習慣開車開左線. Get into - Be small enough to wear something 縮入, 穿進 Example(例句): I couldn't GET INTO the boots; they were too tight. 我無法穿上這雙靴子, 它們太緊了. Get into – Criticise 批評 Example(例句): He GOT INTO me for doing it badly 他批評我做得不好 2009-05-28 13:19:54 補充: Get onto - Start discussing a topic 開始討論一個主題 Example(例句): We didn't GET ONTO the third item on the agenda. 我們沒有討論到議程得第三項. 2009-05-28 13:20:08 補充: Get onto - Be elected, appointed 被選出(入), 指定 Example(例句): He didn't GET ONTO the committee. 他沒有被選入委員會. 2009-05-28 13:20:26 補充: Get onto - Appear on the radio or TV 上電視或廣播 Example(例句): He GOT ONTO every major channel after the accident. 他在意外之後上遍了每個主流頻道. 2009-05-28 13:20:40 補充: Get onto - Contact someone because you need or want them to do something 聯絡, 請人幫忙 Example(例句): We'd better GET ONTO someone to fix this. 我們最好找人來修理. 2009-05-28 13:20:57 補充: Get onto - Enter a plane, train, etc 搭乘, 搭上(飛機, 火車) Example(例句): She GOT ONTO the plane just before it took off. 她趕在飛機起飛之前搭上. 2009-05-28 13:21:11 補充: Look onto 不是英文,而是西班牙文的片語,有望向,面向,朝向某方的意思. 但是,現在美國西語裔的人口越來越多,也越來越具影響力, 所以,這個片語應該很快就會成為一個英文片語. Example(例句): The balcony looks onto the park. 陽台面向公園. 2009-05-28 15:51:35 補充: 不好意思. 弄了一大段篇幅, 外加好幾篇意見. 我被雅虎給打敗了......


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