


我聽到一首歌很好聽 好像是空中補給的(不太確定) 有知道這首歌的大大能跟我說歌名嗎 我記得開頭是 you and i ....什麼的(剩下的我記不太清楚...) 如果有知道的麻煩告訴我謝book 翻譯


會不會是這首呀 You And I (皇后合唱團) 因為空中補給沒有You And I ... 至少我..找不到 ... Lyrics:John Deacon Music:John Deacon Music is playing in the darkness And a lantern goes swinging by Shadows flickering my heart's jittering Just you and I Not tonight come tomorrow When ev'rything's sunny and bright (sunny and bright) No no no come tomorrow 'cause then We'll be waiting in the moonlight We'll go walking in the moonlight Walking in the moonlight Laughter ringing in the darkness People drinking for days gone by Time don't mean a thing When you're by my side Please stay awhile You know I never could forsee the future years You know I never could see Where life was leading me But will we be together forever? What will be my love? Can't you see that I just don't know No not tonight not tomorrow Ev'rything's gonna be alright (sunny and bright) Wait and see if tomorrow we'll be As happy as we're feeling tonight We'll go walking in the moonlight (we'll be happy) Walking in the moonlight I can hear the music in the darkness Floating softly to where we lie No more questions now Let's enjoy tonight (Just you and I) just you and I Just you and I Can't you see that we've gotta be together Be together just you and I just you and I No more questions just you and I 2007-01-26 08:58:55 補充: ^0^皇后合唱團 和 空中補給合唱團 的歌 都超好聽的說 ^0^!!


謝謝妳啦~~^^ 不過...是我搞錯了啦~哈哈 是空中補給唱的 不過開頭第一句是我記錯了...=.= 但還是謝謝你囉 又讓我多一首歌可以聽了~~^^|||||您好~我整個翻遍了AS歌庫,能很確定的告訴您這歌應該不可能是他們的作品。 他們有一首YOU AND I為團員個人推出的音樂劇作品,在台灣方面媒體或市場都沒有出現的可能,所以我想這歌也不太可能會是你指的那首。 一想到第一句是YOU AND I時,我猜的是同為八零年代的SATOMI HAKKEN這首歌,是電影新里見八犬傳的主題曲。 第一句是You and I didn't see the evening fly http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1105042201700 可以參考這篇知識+找這首歌的試聽和歌詞唷~10449D54D250ED3E

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